Creating a pipeline in Gitlab

By Devops

Creating a pipeline in Gitlab is a great way to deploy applications to various environments. It allows you to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your application. With Gitlab, you can define a pipeline that consists of a series of stages, which can include tasks such as building the application, running tests, and deploying the application. By leveraging the power of a pipeline, you can ensure that your application is deployed quickly, efficiently, and with minimal hassle. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a pipeline in Gitlab, with code examples.

Step 1: Creating a New Project

To start a new pipeline, you will first need to create a new project in Gitlab. To do this, you can go to Projects > New Project and fill out the form.

Step 2: Creating the Pipeline

Once the project is created, you can go to CI/CD > Pipelines and create a new pipeline. You will be able to define the stages and tasks for the pipeline, and even add code snippets to configure the pipeline. Here is an example of a simple pipeline:

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - npm install
    - npm build

  stage: test
    - npm test

  stage: deploy
    - npm deploy

Step 3: Running the Pipeline

Once you have created the pipeline, you can run it by going to CI/CD > Pipelines and clicking the “Run Pipeline” button. This will execute the pipeline, and you can check the progress of the pipeline in the pipeline view.

Step 4: Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while running the pipeline, you can click on the pipeline to open up the pipeline view. Here, you will be able to view the log output of each stage, and debug any issues that may be occurring.


Creating a pipeline in Gitlab is a great way to easily deploy applications to various environments. By leveraging the power of a pipeline, you can ensure that your application is deployed quickly, efficiently, and with minimal hassle. This guide has walked you through the steps to create a pipeline in Gitlab, with code examples.

Last modified: February 8, 2023

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