90 days to success in DevOps

In most enterprises on boarding new talent is typically left to the new employee. This is very unfortunate because the first 90 days of a new role will impact not only the new employee, but their immersion into the culture and their view of the company. Bottom line, in most cases it is up to the new employee to “learn the ropes” in navigating their new position.

By Devops

Starting a new role? Maybe this is the first foray into DevOps or Platform Engineering? What is needed to “hit the ground running” in a new role? Leaders in high positions of a company typically have a “100 day rule” to prove themselves. Let’s round it out with 3 months of progress for success.

In most enterprises on boarding new talent is typically left to the new employee. This is very unfortunate because the first 90 days of a new role will impact not only the new employee, but their immersion into the culture and their view of the company. Bottom line, in most cases it is up to the new employee to “learn the ropes” in navigating their new position.

The first 30 days

This month is usually the most important for everyone. The first thing a new employee needs to do is find a good mentor especially if they are not assigned one. Seek out those with institutional knowledge who knows how to navigate the company politics. Find someone who knows how the systems work, how to gain the access needed to be successful in the role. The mentor would have knowledge of “how things work” and what is seen as best practice for accomplishing the tasks at hand.

Some things to know:

  • Who’s who in the organization? – an org chart
  • How mature are they as a development organization?
  • What are the processes to put code into production?
  • Are the processes manual or automated?
  • What is the expectation of you on a day to day basis?

There is plenty more to uncover, but this will help to get started. Once the processes are understood and access is granted to perform the role, find some quick wins. Listen closely to where the frustrations may lie within your organization. Maybe the previous employee in this role didn’t automate certain tasks…submit a small PR to help.

It’s important to find some quick wins for many reasons. First it helps “break the ice”. It also shows strengths. Maybe there’s a way to improve some docs. There may be some ideas brought in from previous experience to help with a particular pain point.

The first 30 days is important to uncover the expectations of the team. Talking to stakeholders and “the customer” is important to get a big picture of what works and what doesn’t in order to find quick wins to make an impact early.

Days 30-60

The first 4 weeks are usually greeted with firehose sessions daily. Take a bit to digest everything. Review notes, brainstorm ideas, understand how the team and the company works. Armed with the broader knowledge about the organization, the team, and how things work at a high level it’s time to dig deeper into where the biggest impacts can be achieved.

In this 30 day block uncover:

  • The maturity of the team?
  • What is the approval process for delivering code to production?
  • What steps are needed to approve PRs?
  • How does code flow through the various systems?
  • What amount of QA is performed?

Find ways to help the team be more efficient. Listen to the complaints and see where possible improvements could be made. Again, quick wins are key at this stage. As a fresh face, a lot of times gaining access to otherwise inaccessible groups within the organization is usually fairly easy. Keep an ear to the ground to find ways to create impactful suggestions

It is important to remember as people get to know a new employee the interactions have lasting impacts. Ensure there is adequate listening and relevant questions to get underneath a complaint. Avoid making off hand suggestions, but rather find some common issues. Start to tackle the common issues and socialize improvements. The key here to to avoid “calling the baby ugly”.

Days 60-90

This is where a new employee’s impact can accelerate. At this stage having the access needed to be successful would be complete. Hopefully there’s been a few quick wins, new co-workers are impressed, and there’s been positive impact on the team.

Regular interaction with your leader would have been established. A solid understanding of what is expected is created and the mentor has made an impact. Knowing where to go to get answers if there is a roadblock and knowing how to avoid the “potholes in the road” is key.

This stage is where the “rubber hits the road”. Gaining traction in the day to day and making regular impact to the business is routine at this point. This is where all of the knowledge gained in the first 60 days can be parlayed into a winning hand.

What success looks like

The first 3 months of any new position sets the stage for every new employee. Creating a positive impression on the team helps build credibility within the broader organization and is key to instilling the confidence needed to being successful overall.

It may take far more than 90 days to feel comfortable with the role and that is okay. As long as there is a consistent method for learning and mistakes are not repeated the impact new employees make is usually sustainable for a long time. Make the best of it and keep track of the wins and losses for the inevitable review with “the boss”.

You got this. Go.

Last modified: April 14, 2023

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