
A success for DevOps: Developing and Deploying Mission Critical Applications

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to remain competitive. This means that the development and deployment of business-critical applications must be efficient and seamless.

Enter DevOps, a methodology that integrates development and operations teams to improve communication, collaboration, and automation to streamline the development and delivery of software. In this success story, we’ll explore how adopting new methodologies helped a company develop and deploy a business-critical application with great success.

The Challenge

A company that provides financial services to small businesses needed to develop and deploy a web-based application that would provide their clients with access to their financial data in real-time. The application needed to be secure, scalable, and available 24/7 to ensure uninterrupted access to critical financial information. The company’s IT team had experience in developing applications but struggled with the deployment process, which was manual and error-prone.

The company was facing challenges in the deployment process, and that was affecting the time to market for their application. They were unable to release new features quickly and were also struggling to ensure the application was always available to clients.

The Solution

To overcome these challenges, the company adopted new methodologies to streamline the development and deployment process. The development team worked closely with the operations team to identify bottlenecks and streamline the process. They implemented continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment process. They also used infrastructure as code (IaC) to manage infrastructure and reduce the risk of configuration errors.

The newly adopted methodology allowed the development team and operations team to work together seamlessly, identify the issues in the deployment process, and implement the necessary changes. They automated the process of building, testing, and deploying the application to ensure that it was reliable and scalable. They also used IaC to manage the infrastructure as code, which allowed them to make changes to the infrastructure quickly and efficiently.

The Results

The adoption of a different set of methodologies led to a significant improvement in the development and deployment process. The company was able to roll out new features and updates to the application much faster and with fewer errors. The continuous deployment process also allowed the company to respond quickly to any issues that arose, ensuring that the application was always available to clients. The company’s IT team was able to focus on developing new features and improving the user experience, rather than dealing with deployment issues.

The company was able to reduce its time to market, which allowed them to release new features faster and stay ahead of the competition. They were also able to ensure that the application was always available to clients, which helped to build trust and loyalty with their customers.

Interpretation of Success

The success of this project can be attributed to the effective implementation of DevOps or Platform Engineering methodologies. The integration of development and operations teams allowed for better communication and collaboration, resulting in a streamlined process that reduced errors and improved efficiency. Automation through CI/CD pipelines and IaC reduced the risk of human error and ensured that deployments were consistent and reliable.

The company was able to provide their clients with a secure, scalable, and highly available application that met their business needs. The success of this project demonstrates the effectiveness of DevOps in developing and deploying business-critical applications.

In conclusion, adopting DevOps methodologies can help companies streamline their development and deployment process, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. This can allow companies to release new features faster, reduce their time to market, and ensure that applications are always available to clients.


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10x the DevEX!

Recently there has been a shift in language surrounding System Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps to Platform Engineering. Granted these terms have been used in various ways for a while, but how language terms are used gives way to how markets evolve. This post provides a few key areas of thought around ways to ultimately get products to production faster. Remember…code means nothing until it’s in production.

No matter the title, anyone in the pipeline touching production code is part of the team of ensuring success of critical applications in an enterprise. This is an important concept because everyone is part of the larger team and how teams work together ultimately determines the success of any project.

The focus here will be on the actual development team who is primarily writing the code. The code in question would be delivered as microservices running on a K8S cluster. Keep in mind the use of microservices will lend itself to multiple teams individually creating a service for other teams to consume. Already there is significant dependencies and a single line of code has yet to be written.

Each team ultimately needs to consume one or more code repositories, one or more “testing” systems, at least one pipeline for continuous integration, continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD), and many other systems to get code to production.

The Platform Engineering team is ultimately responsible for ensuring the “platforms” are working in a way to support the developers. Ensuring a great experience is paramount.

The question is how do Platform Engineers continually improve the great developer experience? The answer many teams turn to is to create powerful systems with guardrails or opinions on how they are to be utilized based on the collective understanding of the teams modus operandi or how they work most effectively.

The key to how is reducing the repetitive work, the mundane menial tasks which take a toll on the cognitive workload of developers allowing them to be able to focus on writing good, clean code.

Giving the power to the developers to consume what is needed in a self-service fashion is one major step as is giving a limited set of choices in what toolsets to use. Make it easy for developers to build and deliver software without removing the useful capabilities of the core services.

In the ideal world, limit restrictions on the how allowing choices in using GitOps or ClickOps or using a API vs CLI vs UI. Use a “as a service” approach to create a system built iteratively by the entirety of the team based on direct feedback.

What it all comes down to is the fact that everyone has different ways they want to work. Its the platform engineering team who can help ensure all of the tools are available and functional to create a great developer experience which in turn will increase productivity and get new, shiny things to market faster.


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90 days to success in DevOps

In most enterprises on boarding new talent is typically left to the new employee. This is very unfortunate because the first 90 days of a new role will impact not only the new employee, but their immersion into the culture and their view of the company. Bottom line, in most cases it is up to the new employee to “learn the ropes” in navigating their new position.

Starting a new role? Maybe this is the first foray into DevOps or Platform Engineering? What is needed to “hit the ground running” in a new role? Leaders in high positions of a company typically have a “100 day rule” to prove themselves. Let’s round it out with 3 months of progress for success.

In most enterprises on boarding new talent is typically left to the new employee. This is very unfortunate because the first 90 days of a new role will impact not only the new employee, but their immersion into the culture and their view of the company. Bottom line, in most cases it is up to the new employee to “learn the ropes” in navigating their new position.

The first 30 days

This month is usually the most important for everyone. The first thing a new employee needs to do is find a good mentor especially if they are not assigned one. Seek out those with institutional knowledge who knows how to navigate the company politics. Find someone who knows how the systems work, how to gain the access needed to be successful in the role. The mentor would have knowledge of “how things work” and what is seen as best practice for accomplishing the tasks at hand.

Some things to know:

  • Who’s who in the organization? – an org chart
  • How mature are they as a development organization?
  • What are the processes to put code into production?
  • Are the processes manual or automated?
  • What is the expectation of you on a day to day basis?

There is plenty more to uncover, but this will help to get started. Once the processes are understood and access is granted to perform the role, find some quick wins. Listen closely to where the frustrations may lie within your organization. Maybe the previous employee in this role didn’t automate certain tasks…submit a small PR to help.

It’s important to find some quick wins for many reasons. First it helps “break the ice”. It also shows strengths. Maybe there’s a way to improve some docs. There may be some ideas brought in from previous experience to help with a particular pain point.

The first 30 days is important to uncover the expectations of the team. Talking to stakeholders and “the customer” is important to get a big picture of what works and what doesn’t in order to find quick wins to make an impact early.

Days 30-60

The first 4 weeks are usually greeted with firehose sessions daily. Take a bit to digest everything. Review notes, brainstorm ideas, understand how the team and the company works. Armed with the broader knowledge about the organization, the team, and how things work at a high level it’s time to dig deeper into where the biggest impacts can be achieved.

In this 30 day block uncover:

  • The maturity of the team?
  • What is the approval process for delivering code to production?
  • What steps are needed to approve PRs?
  • How does code flow through the various systems?
  • What amount of QA is performed?

Find ways to help the team be more efficient. Listen to the complaints and see where possible improvements could be made. Again, quick wins are key at this stage. As a fresh face, a lot of times gaining access to otherwise inaccessible groups within the organization is usually fairly easy. Keep an ear to the ground to find ways to create impactful suggestions

It is important to remember as people get to know a new employee the interactions have lasting impacts. Ensure there is adequate listening and relevant questions to get underneath a complaint. Avoid making off hand suggestions, but rather find some common issues. Start to tackle the common issues and socialize improvements. The key here to to avoid “calling the baby ugly”.

Days 60-90

This is where a new employee’s impact can accelerate. At this stage having the access needed to be successful would be complete. Hopefully there’s been a few quick wins, new co-workers are impressed, and there’s been positive impact on the team.

Regular interaction with your leader would have been established. A solid understanding of what is expected is created and the mentor has made an impact. Knowing where to go to get answers if there is a roadblock and knowing how to avoid the “potholes in the road” is key.

This stage is where the “rubber hits the road”. Gaining traction in the day to day and making regular impact to the business is routine at this point. This is where all of the knowledge gained in the first 60 days can be parlayed into a winning hand.

What success looks like

The first 3 months of any new position sets the stage for every new employee. Creating a positive impression on the team helps build credibility within the broader organization and is key to instilling the confidence needed to being successful overall.

It may take far more than 90 days to feel comfortable with the role and that is okay. As long as there is a consistent method for learning and mistakes are not repeated the impact new employees make is usually sustainable for a long time. Make the best of it and keep track of the wins and losses for the inevitable review with “the boss”.

You got this. Go.


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Knowledge spew on GitOps

In working with a handful of customers the concept of GitOps continues to resonate more and more. Let us dive into a brain dump of some of the conversations related to GitOps and how these customers tackled the task at hand.

First thing to remember is these customers are not massive. They are rather common actually. A Gartner defined “medium-sized” enterprise. Keep in mind these customers have the same issues as the giant enterprises just at a different scale.

In every case there was a user story. At a high level, a common theme was the need to roll out updates to a specific application regularly enough to find ways to entice the consumer to purchase a widget of some sort. Ok, A/B testing. Simple enough.

Each of the customers were in different maturity levels when it came to development processes, kubernetes knowledge, and devops methods. However they all have one thing in common…the need to deliver an application to their customer base on a deadline and continuously improve the application based on user feedback. All three of them were successful in meeting their self imposed deadlines. How?

Simple. Every one of them came together, ironed out a plan, and implemented the plan. The interesting part, every one of them already knew how to get the product to market. All they needed was a bit of guidance on how to overcome obstacles and get shit done. How?

  • Step one. Define the top of the mountain, the finish line, the end result.
  • Step two. The project leads built out a high level timeline from end to beginning.
  • Step three. All of the team members came together to build out the task teams.
  • Step four. Each of the teams built out their respective timeline for contribution.
  • Step five. Build.

Now how does this relate to GitOps? GitOps was the pivotal methodology to get it done. The pipeline was built with all of the parts in mind. If you recall the DevOps “infinity loop“, the key is to use that and combine it with the OODA loop decision model. The combination creates a very powerful decision making framework facilitating agile development with constant improvement. Sound simple? It’s not. It is in theory, but the implementation is like a relationship. Everything is great when dating, but the hard work is when dating turns to marriage. Same goes for creating a product. Designing the product, what it needs to do, all of the moving parts is fun. The real work comes in when the first working build is complete.

This is where GitOps shines. The developers build things, test locally, and commit. The pipelines move it through the process and all of the other teams contribute to each part in this machine. If one part breaks down, the other work stops to crowdsource the problem. The problem is fixed and the machine continues on. GitOps is the magical fairy dust. What about the technology?

The technology is rather mundane actually. Git. A code repository. A CI/CD pipeline. A build system. A test harness. A deployment platform. Git…the tools of choice are Github or Gitlab. Github is pretty slick, but Gitlab will allow for running locally in small environments building closed source deliverables. Each has a pipeline mechanism or there are many other tools such as Texton, Argo, CircleCI and many others with various features depending on what was needed. For build systems, many exist and again each as features as needed. However the deployment platform consistently remains the same, Kubernetes.

Building deploy-able applications at scale is hard. There are many other moving parts, processes, tools, etc. in play. However one thing stands out in all of these engagements…give the right people who have the will to succeed the skills needed to succeed and the execution part will look easy.

It is always fun to be a part of something, but its most precious reward is being able to step away and watch the machine run on it’s own.

That’s the end of this spew. It went everywhere…maybe it’s more like a sneeze.

Peace out.


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A chat with the GPT about DevOps.

The 1st prompt to set the stage

Me: Tell me why the Devops methodology works the best for cloud native application development. Explain as if you know nothing about development. DevOps is a method of working where development and operations teams collaborate closely to deliver software and systems more efficiently. This approach works well for cloud native application development because it allows for faster and more frequent updates to be made to the application, which is important when working in a cloud environment. Additionally, the focus on automation and testing in DevOps helps to ensure that the application is stable and reliable, which is critical when running in a cloud environment where resources can be scaled up or down as needed. This can help to minimize downtime and ensure that the application is always available to users. Overall, DevOps helps to make the development and delivery of cloud native applications more efficient and reliable.

The 2nd prompt

Me: Explain why AI is important to devops AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be beneficial to DevOps in several ways. One of the main ways that AI can help is by automating certain tasks and processes. For example, AI can be used to automatically detect and diagnose problems in the system, which can help to reduce downtime and improve overall system reliability. Additionally, AI can be used to perform predictive maintenance, which can help to identify potential issues before they occur, allowing them to be addressed before they cause problems.

AI can also be used to improve the performance of the system. For example, it can be used to optimize resource allocation, such as scaling up or down the number of servers as needed to meet changing demand, which can help to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system.

AI can also be used to improve the security of the system. For example, it can be used to detect and prevent security threats, such as intrusion attempts, by using machine learning algorithms to identify and respond to abnormal behavior.

Overall, AI can help to improve the speed, efficiency, reliability, performance, and security of DevOps processes, which can help organizations to deliver applications and services more quickly and effectively.

The 3rd prompt

Me: and why is automation a key concept in devops Automation is a key concept in DevOps because it allows for the efficient and consistent execution of repetitive tasks and processes. By automating these tasks, organizations can reduce the risk of human error, increase the speed and accuracy of their work, and free up human resources to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

In the context of software development, automation can be used to automate tasks such as testing, building, and deploying code. For example, automated testing can help to ensure that the code is working as expected and is free of bugs, while automated building and deployment can help to speed up the process of getting code into production.

In the context of infrastructure management, automation can be used to automate tasks such as provisioning, scaling, and monitoring of resources. For example, automation can be used to automatically spin up new servers as needed to handle increased traffic, and automatically scale back resources when they are no longer needed. This can help to optimize resource utilization and reduce costs.

Overall, automation is important in DevOps because it helps to increase the speed, efficiency, and reliability of the development and delivery process, which can help organizations to deliver applications and services more quickly and effectively.

Wrapping up

Interesting conversation. Instead of a big instruction set, I literally chatted with It did manage to describe DevOps fairly well and even though the prose was not exactly advanced did get the point across based on my prompts. It appears the prose was actually prompted by how the questions were asked. Simple questions, simple responses. Had the questions been more eloquent the responses seem as if they would follow suit. Need to test out that theory next. What fun. Stay tuned.


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Declarative vs Imperative in Kubernetes

To be declarative or to be imperative?

Kubernetes is a powerful tool for orchestrating containerized applications across a cluster of nodes. It provides users with two methods for managing the desired state of their applications: the Declarative and Imperative approaches.

The imperative approach

The Imperative approach requires users to manually issue commands to Kubernetes to manage the desired state of their applications. This approach gives users direct control over the state of their applications, but also requires more manual effort and expertise, as well as a more in-depth understanding of Kubernetes. Additionally, the Imperative approach does not provide any version control or rollback capabilities, meaning that users must be more mindful of any changes they make and take extra care to ensure they are not introducing any unintended consequences.

A simple set of imperative commands to create a deployment

To create a Kubernetes deployment using the Imperative approach, users must issue the following commands:

Create a new deployment named my-deployment and use the image my-image:

kubectl create deployment my-deployment --image=my-image

Scale the deployment to 3 pods:

kubectl scale deployment my-deployment --replicas=3

Declarative approach

In the Declarative approach, users express their desired state in the form of Kubernetes objects such as Pods and Services. These objects are then managed by Kubernetes, which ensures that the actual state of the system matches the desired state without requiring users to manually issue commands. This approach also provides version control and rollback capabilities, allowing users to easily revert back to a previous state if necessary.

Below is an example Kubernetes deployment yaml (my-deployment.yaml) which can be used to create the same Kubernetes deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
    app: my-app
  replicas: 3
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-container
        image: my-image:latest
        - containerPort: 80

To create or update the deployment using this yaml, use the following command:

kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yaml

Infrastructure as Code

The primary difference between the Declarative and Imperative approaches in Kubernetes is that the Declarative approach is a more automated and efficient way of managing applications, while the Imperative approach gives users more direct control over their applications. Using a Declarative approach to Kubernetes gives rise to managing Infrastructure as Code which is the secret sauce in being able to maintain version control and rollback capabilities.

In general, the Declarative approach is the preferred way to manage applications on Kubernetes as it is more efficient and reliable, allowing users to easily define their desired state and have Kubernetes manage the actual state. However, the Imperative approach can still be useful in certain situations where direct control of the application state is needed. Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide which approach is best for their needs.


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Using a dev container in VSCode

How to Use Dev Containers in VSCode

Dev containers are a powerful tool for developers to use when coding, testing, and debugging applications. VSCode provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for developers to use when working with dev containers. This guide will show you how to get started with dev containers in VSCode and how to use them to your best advantage.

  1. Install the Remote – Containers extension
  2. Create a dev container configuration file
  3. Launch the dev container
  4. Connect to the dev container
  5. Start coding!

Installing the Remote – Containers Extension

The first step to using dev containers is to install the Remote – Containers extension. This extension allows you to create dev container configurations and launch them from within VSCode. To install the extension, open the Extensions panel in VSCode and search for Remote – Containers. Click the ‘Install’ button to install the extension. After installation, you will need to restart VSCode for the extension to take effect.

Creating a Dev Container Configuration File

Once the Remote – Containers extension is installed, you can create a dev container configuration file. This file will define the environment for your dev container. For example, you can define the programming language, libraries, and other settings for your dev container. You can also specify a base image to be used by the dev container, such as a Linux or Windows image.

Example Dev Container Configuration File

Below is an example of a dev container configuration file. This configuration file specifies a base image of Ubuntu 18.04, a programming language of Python, and a library of TensorFlow.

    "name": "example-dev-container",
    "dockerFile": "Dockerfile",
    "settings": {
        "": "/bin/bash"
    "remoteUser": "devuser",
    "forwardPorts": [],
    "mounts": [],
    "image": {
        "name": "ubuntu:18.04",
        "remote": false
    "workspaceMount": "/workspace",
    "runArgs": [
    "extensions": [
    "libraries": [
    "postCreateCommand": "",
    "remoteType": "wsl"

Launching the Dev Container

Once your dev container configuration file is created, you can launch the dev container. To do this, open the Remote – Containers view in VSCode. You should see your dev container configuration file listed. Click the Launch button to start the dev container. Once the dev container is launched, you will be able to access a terminal window, allowing you to control the dev container.

Connecting to the Dev Container

Once the dev container is running, you can connect to it. To do this, open the Remote – SSH view in VSCode. You should see your dev container listed. Click the Connect button to connect to the dev container. Once connected, you will be able to access the dev container’s terminal window and run commands.

Start Coding!

Now that you’ve connected to the dev container, you can start coding! You can use the integrated development environment (IDE) to write, debug, and test your code. This allows you to work on your project within the dev container, without the need for additional setup. Once you’re done, you can close the dev container and move on to the next project.


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Becoming Successful in DevOps: A Beginners Guide

Where to start

As a platform engineer, you will be tasked with ensuring that software projects run smoothly and efficiently. This includes managing all of the various components needed to develop and launch an app or system.

This may include choosing your development platform, setting up servers for hosting, finding vendors for integrations, and more. Beyond just technology, there are also time-management strategies to manage your day.

As you can imagine, being a part of this team comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. Being a senior member of the team takes some work — but it is totally worth it!

Being a senior developer means that you know what’s going on technologically, and you’re able to teach others that knowledge. You’ll have the opportunity to make an impact by helping other engineers get things done effectively.

It’s also important to remember that not everyone has a career in tech like you do, so don’t feel like you need to take over every task.

Plan your career

7 things to know as a devops engineer

As mentioned earlier, being a successful platform engineer is more than just knowing how to work in different environments having separate and distinctly different conversations with various people about what tools you use for each environment, and how to manage your time effectively between projects and departments. It also means planning your career ahead of time.

Most experienced devs will tell you that it’s impossible to become a senior developer without first becoming a team lead or manager. This makes sense, because you need to establish relationships within the department and organization that depend on you for leadership, guidance, and resources.

And since most tech companies are moving towards agile project management systems like Scrum, you need to be able to facilitate those meetings, talk about logistics, and make sure everyone has everything they need to complete their assignments on schedule.

All of these things require someone who leads by example, sets appropriate priorities, and keeps people motivated so that they feel comfortable coming to you for help when needed. You can’t expect anyone lower up the chain-of-command to do this if they don’t see you putting in the effort into developing your leadership skills.

It’s totally normal to want to move up the ladder, but making changes to your position requires proving that you’re capable of doing so while still keeping quality control over your tasks and setting realistic deadlines.

Create a good work-life balance

7 things to know as a devops engineer

Being a platform engineer means having close relationships with other people in your organization that depend on you for success, so make sure you are not overworking yourself.

It is important to enjoy what you do for a living, and staying motivated requires finding time to unwind and relax. You can’t expect to be passionate about your job if you don’t take care of yourself outside of work.

You need to recognize that it takes a lot out of you, both physically and mentally, and give yourself breaks to keep up momentum. Take frequent vacations, organize social events outside of work, and try to limit how many hours you spend working every day.

In addition to taking care of yourself, use the same energy you put into your career on your personal life to promote healthy relationships and friendships.

Having friends who treat you well will help you feel more balanced and confident in your position, and they will help you stay happier at home. Try to meet someone new once a week, if possible, to maintain strong ties with family members and colleagues.

Be a creative thinker

7 things to know as a devops engineer

As a platform engineer, you will be tasked with many different projects and responsibilities. This can make it hard to know what your next job is! As such, being able to think outside of the box and brainstorm new ideas and solutions to current issues is important.

You will have to use your creativity to figure out how to best solve these problems.

A great way to hone this skill is by taking part in various tech events or masterclasses. You may even get chance to present your own project or idea!

By attending events like these, not only do they give you knowledge about the field, but also lots of opportunities to improve yourself professionally.

Stay up-to-date with technology

7 things to know as a devops engineer

As a platform engineer, you will be tasked with keeping up with new technologies. This is not only important for your career, but also to satisfy users’ demands for quality services they can rely on.

As more companies implement automation via software or robotics, there are always new tools being used for this process. You will need to know what these tools are and how to use them.

You will also have to stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving practices in both development and operations. For example, when developers adopt newer agile methodologies like scrum, you must understand why that approach is better than the traditional waterfall model.

Likewise, understanding lean startup methodology means knowing why it works and if it applies to your organization. These concepts help bring down the overhead of launching an app by reducing the number of steps needed to get things going.

By staying informed about such developments, you will make sure apps launch as quickly as possible while still meeting standards.

Be a good leader

7 things to know as a devops engineer

As a platform engineer, you will be in charge of many different departments within your organization. You can expect that not every department in your own company or others you work with have strong leadership qualities.

If this is something that worries you, don’t worry! It’s totally normal.

It takes time to develop leadership skills, but you are never too young or old to learn them.

You can always look to those around you for examples of how to lead and learn from their mistakes. There are several books and courses available online and through educational institutions that focus on developing leadership abilities.

There are also mentorship programs where experienced leaders share knowledge and resources with younger people. By being part of these groups, you could gain some valuable lessons yourself.

Be a good team member

7 things to know as a devops engineer

As a platform engineer, your success will depend on how well you collaborate with others. You can’t have successful collaborations if one party is constantly trying to get their way or take over the process.

This isn’t helpful for anyone involved in the project, and it won’t set well with leadership either. Make every effort to work with people around you using sound reasoning and evidence, and keep discussions focused on topics that are productive and positive.

Avoid gossip unless you want to deal with a lot of resentment later, and be willing to go beyond what is practical or appropriate to help someone feel better about themselves or the situation.


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Creating a pipeline in Gitlab

Creating a pipeline in Gitlab is a great way to deploy applications to various environments. It allows you to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your application. With Gitlab, you can define a pipeline that consists of a series of stages, which can include tasks such as building the application, running tests, and deploying the application. By leveraging the power of a pipeline, you can ensure that your application is deployed quickly, efficiently, and with minimal hassle. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a pipeline in Gitlab, with code examples.

Step 1: Creating a New Project

To start a new pipeline, you will first need to create a new project in Gitlab. To do this, you can go to Projects > New Project and fill out the form.

Step 2: Creating the Pipeline

Once the project is created, you can go to CI/CD > Pipelines and create a new pipeline. You will be able to define the stages and tasks for the pipeline, and even add code snippets to configure the pipeline. Here is an example of a simple pipeline:

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - npm install
    - npm build

  stage: test
    - npm test

  stage: deploy
    - npm deploy

Step 3: Running the Pipeline

Once you have created the pipeline, you can run it by going to CI/CD > Pipelines and clicking the “Run Pipeline” button. This will execute the pipeline, and you can check the progress of the pipeline in the pipeline view.

Step 4: Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while running the pipeline, you can click on the pipeline to open up the pipeline view. Here, you will be able to view the log output of each stage, and debug any issues that may be occurring.


Creating a pipeline in Gitlab is a great way to easily deploy applications to various environments. By leveraging the power of a pipeline, you can ensure that your application is deployed quickly, efficiently, and with minimal hassle. This guide has walked you through the steps to create a pipeline in Gitlab, with code examples.


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Using CI/CD pipelines in Kubernetes explained

Building efficient development pipelines in Kubernetes requires the right tooling, a lot of planning, and a good understanding of your development processes.

To quickly build and deliver robust products and benefit from automation and efficient collaboration, the software team relies on continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Implementing CI/CD for cloud native applications makes delivery cycles more robust while streamlining the development and deployment workflow.

Let’s talk about the key components of a CI/CD pipeline, how to optimize these pipelines and some recommended best practices and tools.

What Makes an efficient CI/CD Pipeline

The Kubernetes platform and CI/CD workflows both aim to improve software quality, as well as automate and boost development velocity. So companies benefit from having CI/CD pipelines to use with Kubernetes.

The following are some key components of a Kubernetes-based CI/CD pipeline:

  • Containers help achieve encapsulation of application components while enabling seamless integration through runtimes.
  • Operating clusters deploy the containers for your software build once the CI/CD tool approves the containers.
  • Configuration management stores all details related to the infrastructure setup and identifies any newly introduced change in the system.
  • A version control system (VCS) is a unified source code repository that maintains code changes. This generates the trigger for a CI/CD tool to start the pipeline whenever a new change is pushed into its repository.
  • Image registries store container images.
  • Security testing and audits maintain the equilibrium between rapid development and security of the application by ensuring the pipelines are free from potential security threats.
  • Continuous monitoring and observability allow developers to obtain actionable insights and metrics by providing complete visibility into the application life cycle.

Key Considerations to Make Your Pipeline Effective

CI/CD sits at the core of DevOps practice, enabling a sustainable model to streamline and accelerate production releases. A comprehensive understanding of the workflow is fundamental to building an effective CI/CD pipeline, along with evaluating the enterprise requirement to help choose the right framework.

Below are some key considerations for making your pipeline effective:

  • All-in-one CI/CD tool vs. case-specific solutions: Similar to the infrastructure setup, it is crucial to diligently assess the available CI/CD tools based on use cases, technical requirements and organizational goals.
  • On-premises vs. managed vs. hybrid CI/CD: Each CI/CD pipeline type has its own effectiveness, depending on your requirements and infrastructure. Factors that determine the type of CI/CD pipeline to choose include ease of use, ease of setup, infrastructure and operating system support.
  • Code testing and validation: An effective validation and automated testing framework is one of the core components of a CI/CD pipeline. This ensures a stable build with zero code-quality issues while highlighting potential failure scenarios.
  • Rollbacks: These help organizations redeploy the previous stable release of an application. Implementing a diligently planned rollback mechanism in CI/CD is vital to safeguarding the application in case of failure or security incidents.

Defining a Kubernetes-Based CI/CD Pipeline

While defining a Kubernetes-based CI/CD pipeline, you can go with one of the two major paradigms below.

Push-Based Pipeline

An external system like a CI pipeline generates build triggers to deploy the changes to the Kubernetes cluster following a commit to a version control system repository in a push-based pipeline. Kubernetes cluster credentials are exposed outside the domain of the cluster in such a model.

Pull-Based Pipeline

Kubernetes operators deploy the changes from inside a cluster whenever new images are pushed to the registry in a pull-based pipeline.

Some Best Practices

Here are some recommendations for building an effective Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline. These include some useful best practices.

Avoid Hardcoding Secrets and Configurations in Containers

You should store configurations in configmap and not hardcode them in the containers. This provides the flexibility of deploying the same container in different environments without making environment-specific changes to it.

It’s also recommended to keep secrets out of containers and encrypt and store them in Kubernetes Secrets. This prevents credentials from getting exposed through a version control system in a CI/CD pipeline.

Use Helm for Deployments

Use the Helm package manager for Kubernetes application deployments ​​to keep track of releases or logical groupings.

Enable Git-Based Workflows

To allow for all infrastructure configurations to be stored within git, CI/CD pipelines should follow a GitOps methodology. It makes infrastructure code more accessible to developers, letting them review the changes before they’re deployed.

Git also provides a unified source repository and snapshots of the cluster. These are easy for developers to refer to as needed and recover the application to the last stable state in the case of failure.

Use Canary/Blue-Green Deployment Patterns

Parallel to the running production instances, running a blue-green pattern of instances lets you test changes and switch over traffic when testing is complete, eliminating the need for downtime during deployment.

Cache and Reuse Container Images

Use caching and reuse features of Docker container images to minimize container build times and reduce the risk of introducing defects into the newly built container image.

Tools for Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines

All-in-One CI/CD Tools

GitHub Actions is an open source CI/CD tool that supports automated build, test and deployment pipelines. It is the preferred CI/CD platform when the source code repository is GitHub.

GitLab CI/CD facilitates the continuous build, test and deployment of software applications without the need for third-party integration. Checkout our article on implementing a Gitlab pipeline for your project.

Jenkins (including Jenkins X) is an open source, automation server that promotes CI and CD in varying levels of cluster complexity, enabling developers to automate application build, test and deployment processes seamlessly across hybrid/multicloud setups. Jenkins X is an upgraded version that facilitates automated CI/CD for cloud native containerized applications and orchestration tools like Kubernetes or Docker.

Rancher Fleet is fundamentally a set of Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) and controllers that manage GitOps for a single Kubernetes cluster or a large scale deployment of Kubernetes clusters. It is a distributed initialization system that makes it easy to customize applications and manage HA clusters from a single point.

CI Tools

Circle CI is a cloud-based CI tool that uses an API to facilitate automatic Kubernetes deployments. It is intensely focused on testing the new commit before deploying via various methods like unit testing, integration testing, etc. Because of its features for implementing complex pipelines with configurations like caching and resource classes, it is one of the most popular lightweight integration tools for a Kubernetes ecosystem.

Drone CI is an open source CI tool built entirely on Docker that uses a container-first approach. The plugins, components and pipeline stages of Drone are deployed and executed as Docker containers. The platform offers a wide range of flexibility for using different tools and environments for the build, but you have to integrate it with a git repository.

CD Tools

Spinnaker is an open source continuous delivery tool that integrates with multiple cloud providers. Since the platform does not rely on a GitOps model, config files can be stored in the cloud provider’s storage.

Argo CD is a declarative GitOps continuous delivery tool that is lightweight, easy to configure and purpose-built for Kubernetes. The platform considers git the source of truth, which enhances security, making access control and permission management easier to administer.

Automation and Infrastructure Configuration Tools

Terraform by Hashicorp is an open source Infrastructure as Code tool that facilitates DevOps teams’ ability to provision and manage infrastructure programmatically via configuration files.

Red Hat Ansible is an open source automation platform that enables automation for provisioning, configuration management and infrastructure deployment across cloud, virtual and on-premises environments.

Salt by Saltstack contains a robust and flexible configuration management framework, which is built on the remote execution core. This framework executes on the minions, allowing effortless, simultaneous configuration of tens of thousands of hosts, by rendering language specific state files. Unlike Ansible, Salt is agentless, relying instead on secure shell (SSH) connections to complete tasks. For a security architect, Salt is a gem!

Collaboration and Issue Management Tools

Jira is implemented by teams for software collaboration, defect tracking and work management. The tool offers customizable features like an intuitive dashboard, optimized workflows, efficient search, filtering and defect management. Jira is purpose-built to support various use cases of project management, such as capturing requirements, test case management and tracking tasks in real time.

Zendesk is a cloud-based customer support platform that enables an organization to engage with its client through different collaboration channels, including phone, email, chat and social media. Zendesk provides one easy-to-use platform for cross-functional collaboration and customer communications, thereby helping organizations to better manage customer queries and respond quickly.


Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source policy engine that supports a high-level declarative language that lets developers specify Policy as Code. The platform is built to impose granular-level policies on different components, including CI/CD pipelines, microservices, Kubernetes clusters, etc.

Kubewarden is an open source policy engine simplifying the adoption of policy-as-code. It does not require any domain specific knowledge or new language constructs and can take existing policies, compile into WebAssembly and deploy into existing pipelines using existing processes.

Kube-bench is an open source tool used to run the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark test on Kubernetes clusters. This ensures that the Kubernetes cluster is secure and deployed according to the security recommendations in the benchmark document.

SUSE NeuVector is a fully open source end to end cloud native security platform to implement zero-trust security in containerized environments. With full support for Openshift, Kubernetes, and simple containerized workloads, SUSE NeuVector allows for complete visibility into your cloud-native network and will prevent any communication not explicitly required for an application or workload to function.

Monitoring Tools

Foresight is an observability product for CI pipelines and tests that enable secure, real-time monitoring of CI/CD pipelines. In addition to tracking metrics, traces and logs, the platform offers live debugging capabilities to facilitate quicker resolution of failures.

Prometheus/Grafana are open source, event-monitoring tools that implement a high-dimensional data model and store metrics along with timestamps in a time-series database. Prometheus ships with a flexible query language and is one of the most popular alerting systems for complex Kubernetes clusters. Based on metrics generated by Prometheus, Grafana offers built-in visualization support for efficient querying and analysis.


Delivering high-quality software at speed is not easy to sustain and scale. If you develop modern applications today, CI/CD sits at the heart of your software development process because it offers agility, reduces risks of production recessions and ensures quality. It is often considered critical to build an effective CI/CD pipeline for rapid workflow execution. Doing so requires diligent technical analysis, a generous amount of planning and choosing the right set of tools.


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